Monday, April 23, 2012

South Park

In the show south park the main characters that are all white little male boys. This in fact supports Gerbner's theory because in his article he states that most scripts are written for men. There was violence in this episode and I would not call it happy violence because there is this character named kenny that dies in every single episode. The thing thats different about him is that he is the only on that is poor out of all the other charcters. When kenny dies its pretty nasty there is a lot of goar put into the way he dies. Gerbner stated that "most of the violence we see depicted is pretty snitized". So Gerbener is obviously wrong about this show. I think kenny getting killed in every episode is unnecessary but it happens in every episode that you dont think much of it. In this show in particular there were no major roles focused on a female and Gerbner is 100% correct when he stated that "men outnumber women in prime television 2 to 1".

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


The Franchise for Star Wars was very succesful.After May 25, 1977, when the first ever Star Wars movie came out there were five movies released after that.Those being relatively successful.All these movies put together brought a total of 4.37 billion dollars at the Box office.They also came out with action figures and posters and all that good stuff the also brought in a handfull of money. I researched how much an original dark vador doll would cost and an average price for it is around 6,000 dollars.  I read in the article   "The End of Originality" that they give the green light to movies that were a success to make remakes of it. So that is why there is more then one Star Wars movie because the previous ones before the very first one were very successful.  Just this past February The Phantom Menace came out again in theaters but in 3D. In the article "Tinsletown in Transition" I came across that 3D movies cost a little bit more then a regular ones. So by releasing a movie in 3D the movie Franchise will make that much more money. I also read that the most important audience are those in the under-25 males Quadrant. Star Wars did a really good job at the because it atracted a range of ages to watch the movie. If Star Wars continues to do all this they well be successful for years to come