Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Media Intro Survey

Woman's role in society

I believe that a woman's role in society is to be hardworking. For a long time  men have been the ones doing all the work. It's time for the men to be stay at home dads. While the women go out and bring in all the money and still make dinner. I personaly would not mind being at home taking care of my kids while my wife goes to work. Women are now as equal as men therefore they should be doing things that make them stronger women. Not necessarly physicaly. Men need a brake from all the hardwork. Now it is the for the women to step up to the plate.

Media's influence

Today's media can not only be positively influencial but negative also. There are many shows out there like "Jersey Shore " that show the life of people that just like to get drunk and party. I see nothing positive being shown in this.Yet is has thousands of viewers every thursday night, including me. Students around my school talk about this show all the time. They talk about how they would like to party like them. There are commercials like "nike", that make you want to buy that product. They use professional athletes to show that they like the product, and say it is the best out there. This makes the consumer believe that since a "pro" saying it, then it has to be true. This leads to them to buying the product.


Education is very important. You need to be educated if you want to become something in life. No bum off the street with no education is going to the next president. If you want a high paying job you need education. No business is going to want to hire someone that can't read. They want people that are smart. Eveyone needs some sort of education. Education is whats going to put food on the table.

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